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00:00 / 03:47
In the heart of the cloud forest is the origin of everything. The origin of my passion for art was formed among thousands of leaves and branches when, in an awakening, I began to imagine a world full of color and joy. The heartbeat of each creature that lives in the jungle makes my soul feel so connected to my roots that I don't need to touch their land to feel the magical power they hold.
The jungle will always be an incredible place for me, where every creature is pure and everything coexists wild and free.
En el corazón de la selva nublada se encuentra el origen de todo.
Mi pasión por el arte se formó entre miles de hojas y ramas, cuando en un despertar, comecé a imaginar un mundo lleno de color y alegría. El papitar del corazón de cada criatura que habita en la selva, hace que mi alma se sienta tan conectada con mis raices que no necesito estar en Venezuela para poder sentír el poder mágico que guarda cada una de ellos.
La selva siempre será para mi un lugar increible , donde todo es puro y todo coexiste... en armonia libre y salvaje.
This collection collaborates directly with the Esfera Foundation which is committed to the Conservation of the Harpy Eagle and its Ecosystems. Winner of the 2017 Whitley Awards - A percentage of what is sold will go directly to their benefit.
The Foundation is located in Venezuela.
Contact for collaboration:
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